School Visits

Author Amy Gibson

A former teacher, Amy Gibson is passionate about books, animals and making learning come alive. An engaging speaker, she enjoys talking with kids of all ages, getting them actively involved in her programs and inspiring them to make their own unique mark on the world.

The following 45-minute presentation is suitable for K-5 audiences. Amy tailors her content to the age of her audience, doing up to three presentations per day. Presentations work best when students are grouped by age (K-1, 2-3, 4-5 or K-2, 3-5). A large space, such as a multipurpose room can work, but a smaller, more intimate setting – such as a library or flexible classroom – is even better.

Around the World on Eighty LegsAROUND THE WORLD ON EIGHTY LEGS
Ever met the pangolin, the echidna or the macaque? They’re dying to meet you. Join Amy on a virtual trip around the world, saying “How do you do?” to a few of her closest animal friends along the way. Using costumes, props, movement and more, this multimedia, multi-sensory presentation introduces students to some of the extraordinary creatures that call Earth home.

Does Amy autograph books?
Absolutely. Having a real-live author come to school is an exciting day for young readers and writers. Bringing home a book signed and personalized by the author is the icing on the cake.

How do we order books?
Books can be ordered in advance from a local bookseller or directly from the publisher. It’s best to plan ahead, allowing 4-6 weeks for books to arrive.

Around the World on Eighty LegsFor rates, information and more details, please contact Amy. She’d be delighted to customize a presentation and work within your schedule and budget to make an event possible.